My McCall... what can I say about her. On Sunday we had baptism preview. She was sooo excited (and a little nervous too) It was so fun to go to the stake and learn about what is going to happen on her special day. Mike was working, so when she got home she had to call him up and tell him every little detail about the night. She even did a play by play of the talks given. It was quite impressive! The stake leaders wanted a picture of McCall for her baptism. I dug this one up of the first day of school. I love those dimples!
Another funny thing about McCall... For Christmas grandma midge gave her a children's encyclopedia. Last week McCall made it a goal to read the entire encyclopedia from cover to cover. As she told me "there are a lot of interesting facts mom." This morning she finished! She was so proud of herself for finishing her goal. And she feels like she is a whole lot smarter too. If anyone has any particular questions about telescopes, different insects, etc. she is your girl!