Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Anniversary...

Can you believe that I have been married to this guy for 13 years!  My first thought about that is... "We must be getting old."  Thirteen years is a pretty long time.  Mike informed me that we "could" have a 12 year old by now.  Good thing we don't! (although it would be pretty sweet to have a built in babysitter)  I am content with my life the way it is.  So to this great, amazing, sweet, funny guy....Happy Anniversary!

I am treating myself to getting my hair done for our anniversary.  It has been forever.  I am in desperate need of a change.  So many decisions.  Over the past couple of years I have been from blond to black and every shade of brown in between.  What to do today....   I am also considering a good chop.... We shall see.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

72 hour kits...

Well conference has come and gone.... I am very sad.  It is one of my favorite weekends of the year!  I always try and change out my 72 hour kits over fall conference.  Due to baby Ruby, last October nothing got accomplished.  So needless to say we were really overdue.  Nothing quite like 2 year old granola bars to choke down in an emergency.  What I thought I could tackle in a couple of hours took me 8!  Yes...I can't believe it either... 8 whole hours of complete madness.
 I unfortunately didn't get any pictures of when I started.  There was a huge pile of clothes, hats, gloves, shoes, food, first aid, activities... oh the list goes on and on.  This is just organized chaos above.
 Finally we are finished.  I made Mike take them out to the garage last night.  He could barely carry them... Oh do you think they are to full?  My opinion is that it is better to have it than not.  You can always discard items along the way.  Boy am I glad that the project is over... on to bigger and better!
SIDENOTE... Look at my babies...Aren't they so precious!  I can't believe how little they were.
I always make emergency tags with info for the bags with photo's attached.  I am such a nut because I am having a hard time parting with these sweet things.  I even considered keeping them for the scrapbook.  What!  who does that....scrapbooks their kids old emergency tags.  No I must throw them away... but they are sweet!
Well, For now I better put our newly organized bags in the garage to gather dust and pray we don't have to use them!  Goodbye to them until next fall when I do the whole thing all over again!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Ruby is One...
I can't believe that my baby is one year old. It is hard to imagine that she being the youngest of four is growing up. Today she threw a tantrum and even got mad at me. What is up with that. She needs to stay a baby forever.

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Ruby loves to eat. She will stay in her highchair for an hour and just keep eating if I let her. It is truly amazing that she is as little as she is. One of her loves is crackers!


Playing "Peek-a-Boo" with her cracker.

Well off to more things... Mike took the older 3 kids to the cabin tonight. So it is just me and Ruby. Wow life is so simple with just one kid. You forget!
I am tearing apart all of the 72 hour kits and updating them all. (I try to do this every fall conference) It is quite the project with a family of Six! Can't wait for Conference...